
Have you ever wondered how it is that actors sit so comfortably against windows or ledges in movies ?  Then when you try it at your favorite window location you end up sliding off or have your butt sore from the muscles clenching onto dear life ? Yes I've been there , I feel your pain . 

That is why I have a couple sitting positions below for you to copy in order to hang out against windows like a pro ! I would know , I've been on TV

Here we go ...

( A Heyyeh x Urban Outfitters x JUSTFENG COLLABORATION )

justfeng ryan feng photographer creative heyyehblog quest crew
justfeng ryan feng photographer creative heyyehblog quest crew
justfeng ryan feng photographer creative heyyehblog quest crew
justfeng ryan feng photographer creative heyyehblog quest crew
justfeng ryan feng photographer creative heyyehblog quest crew


Check out HEYYEHBLOG'S post by Urban Outfitters !